What is Future of Event Applications?

Software Programmer
5 min readJan 11, 2021


With events gone online, the future of the events apps has also been brightened. The proliferation of the event apps has subtly pushed the Apple to review their App Store Review Guidelines to for a crackdown over the event apps that use cookie-cutter, unfortunately event apps also belong to this category.

What are event applications?

The event applications are the applications that are used to facilitate the event. They have the features and functionalities that help in the event management and event commencement. The trade shows, conference meetings, seminar, webinars, and virtual events are some of the events that take place through these apps.

Difference between Virtual & hybrid Events?

The two are as much connected to each other as South and North Pole are. That was a bit of exaggeration actually they have features in common though very less. The virtual events are events that take place online hence no physical meetup or gathering takes place. On the other hand, the event that takes place both online and offline needs some other arrangements.

What are the Benefits of the Virtual Events?

Out of the numerous advantages of the virtual, some worth-mentioning is the following;

  • Big Purview: Everyone from every nook and corner of the world can join the virtual event. One need only to have a digital device and internet connection to join the event and almost everyone in the world has it now.
  • Social-Distance Maintained: The outbreak of the COVID-19 has set the picture clearer for virtual events. People enjoy the digital event like trade conferences, online meetings directly from their cozy couches while maintaining the social distance.
  • Small Budget: Virtual events have been there way before the inception of the coronavirus. Why? Because they’re way much cheaper in comparison to the hybrid events. The company or the host can save heaps of money using this node of hosting events. Moreover, the data analytics of the event increases the accretion of the virtual event. The analytics allow the company to track and analyze the attendee’s-behavior and its implications for the enterprises, hence the companies can tailor-customize their event strategy using it.

Types of Virtual Events

The major types of virtual events are webinars, virtual conferences, internal hybrid events, and external hybrid events.

What are the Benefits of the Hybrid Events?

  • Live Coverage: The hybrid event covers both the on-ground and off-ground audience interested in a particular event. It is a newly recognized pattern among enterprises like Walmart, Facebook, and various political meetings like presidential speeches between Joe Biden and Trump have been live-streamed as well as convened and commenced on the ground.
  • Larger Audience: All channels using which the audience reaches out to the event are covered in the hybrid event. The online coverage of an event for an international audience can save costs like flying, and traveling can be completely eradicated. Hence, we can say that using hybrid events can cover all niches of the attendees.
  • Cost-Effective: As mentioned above, it cuts the costs of traveling, sitting arrangements, and refreshment costs for larger audiences.
  • Flexibility: Today’s life is of much hustle and bustle. Many attendees may refrain from reaching the venue of the event due to bad weather, riots, and strikes, too distant location, or any other such reason. The hybrid event covers them all.

Examples of the Hybrid Events

The hybrid events are the immediate future of the event industry. Such examples of hybrid events are town halls, sales kick-offs, companywide events, pieces of training, department meetings, and more. For organizations that span countries, even continents, internal hybrid events are used to share a message to the entire company when employees are not all gathered in the same place.

Three Predictions

The three of the predictions for the virtual and hybrid events are following;

  • The competition in event quality and engagement will tighter: With more and more enterprises inclined towards the virtual and hybrid events means severe competition. The enterprises can increase the number of the register and the attendee rate and engagement by increasing the quality of the content, networking, and website domain.
  • Hybrid Events Will Flourish More than Virtual Events: The hybrid events have much brighter than the virtual events as it has more turn over then the simpler events. 62% of the event planners have also affirmed our prediction. The keeping up of the virtual event’s audience is a difficult task and companies have not really figured out until now the strategy for keeping up the online audience.
  • The Eventech will get revolutionized: The previous digital solutions like robust mobile event applications, dynamic event websites will now experience the new era of technology and infrastructure. The website and application development companies will rigorously work day and night to fulfill the surge in the demand for the websites and applications. This rigorous work will unleash the new solutions that will be smarter, better, diligent, and faster solutions hence completely revolutionizing Eventech.

Event App Checklist

The checklist for the event app are as follows;

  • Photo/ Video Gallery: The photos and videos from the event can be stored in this palace.
  • Live Streaming: The app should have the functionality to livestream the event taking place physically at some place for virtual attendees.
  • Event Analytics: The event analytics are very beneficial to analyze the return on investment of an event.
  • Audience Polling: the audience should be able to submit their answers through the polling option for the matters under discussion during the event.
  • Group Chats: To give the attendees, a sense of participation, group chat functionality really comes in handy.
  • Integrations: The third-party tools should be integrated with the event app to facilitate registration, and other such processes.


The evet apps will get their breakthrough during the pandemic times. These applications are currently the hostellers for the event application development companies as vendors are in search of more and better event apps that can give the attendee best experience of event attendance directly from their cozy beds.

